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The Starks Always Survive
Submitted by
, May 15 2016 05:20 PM | Last updated May 15 2016 05:20 PM
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Combo Tournament Quality
A deck that went 3-2 to get top 16 at the Regional in Raleigh, NC.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
This was the deck I piloted to at make top 16 at the Raleigh Regional. My day went Lanni Crossing - L, Lanni Kraken - L, Bye - Grr, Bara Fealty - W, Stark Fealty - W. With the two losses to Lanni I never felt like I was playing behind and always managed to keep on pace with them.
Winterfell: A last minute addition do the deck that did WONDERS all day for me. If anyone ever doubted how strong this card is, don't. It's a very powerful card that Stark can get out for 3 thanks to Fealty.
Robb Stark: I don't think much needs to be said about Robbie. We've known he was a strong card since the core days. But, with more targets for Greywind now and the new Jon Snow he's viability went up even more.
Jory Cassel: A one of that kept constantly showing up all day for me. I was very iffy with this card upon release but Jory is a very strong card. Just saving your big characters and gaining one power, if a Winter Plot is revealed, is such a nice thing to have around. First Snow safe is also a plus.
Rickon Stark: Another one of that kept finding his way into my setups and opening hands. This little guy is a beast. He was able to stop two Summons that would've found Tywin in one game and Mel in another one turn one. Instead they were found on turn 4/5.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0