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You should look over your cost curve. I think you have way too many expensive characters and too few cheap ones. Consider removing some expesive ones and adding some of the 1-cost reducers for Lanni and NW.
Yea, this is probably the most expensive deck I've ever seen haha. 31 characters, 23 of them 4 or more is a hard curve. I don't even know what a good set up out of this deck would be.
I ran 5 sample hands and the best set up I got was Pycelle, a Money Lender, a King's Road and a Burned men. All the others were one 5 or 6 coster and a king's road, at best. Begging to be marched.
Plus, unless I'm missing something, you only have 8 Night's Watch cards. You need at least 12 for the Banner of the Watch.
Except even this setup hand has a hole in it. Money Lender and Kingsroad are both limited so you could only choose one for setup.
Good call. So yea, the best set up I could get was Jaime and King's Road.