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Tyrell/Lanni - The Things I Do For The Mander


you need a lannister lady or lord to pull the things I do for love.... how are you going to pull it off with two such cards?
Agreed. Really like that event but not generally for the ally faction.

Treachery is a much better choice in general, only needing a unique - I think Tyrion > Queen of Thorns and would swap the numbers round, and there are a few other Lanni cards I think are needed.

I think Burned Men > Gold Cloaks as your deck is expensive and needs things that help setup a little, especially given you don't have many chuds (not going for Left and Right ;) ). That lack of chuds could be a big problem tbh. The Tickler is definitely a card that should be in this deck for example. Joffrey can finish games nicely and gives another unique Lanni character for Treachery.

Highgarden is amazing, I'd find room for it, probably dropping a couple of the lanni reducers for it.

Olenna's Informant - great on paper but I haven't seen it working. I'd rather pack some events instead. Having just faced a Tyrannister deck using Tyrion with Put to the Sword very effectively I'd say that's a decent shout, Hand's Judgement and Tears of Lys are also solid choices.

Widow's Wail is very nice, but do you really want to have more than 1 in hand? I'd go down to 2 copies, and have a cheeky Seal of the Hand.