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Winter is Coming
Submitted by
, Nov 12 2016 11:51 PM | Last updated Nov 12 2016 11:54 PM
skrzypol likes this
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You wish you were there ... Your brother is fighting a war to avenge your father, who was killed by the king. You mother is accompanying him and both your sisters are far away. In the mean time, you must run the castle like true lord, and keep an eye on you little brother. But in your mind you are somewhere else. Sometimes you're with Robb, fighting and riding a fierce warhorse. But sometimes you and wolves are running around in the could forest, howling to the moon and having the time of your life. If only you could still run around ... When you breathe the could air you remember the words your father used to say, before they killed him: "Winter is coming ..."
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Total Cards: 0
There are two main synergies in the deck. Dire wolves and dead people. That kind of makes sense because wolves are supposed to eat people instead of liking them. It's mainly a lore deck so I don't really expect great results.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0