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May 14 2016 08:05 PM
Tried this deck out the other day, actually runs very well; although it does suffer from the same problem most Stark Decks run into, which is simply that because the strategy relies largely on Character power rather than faction power, loss of Eddard, Robb, Catelyn, or an early game Greatjon's Vanguard can mean a major setback, as the power accrued is lost. Definitely good to get duplicates out, and it might benefit from the addition of a few bodyguards. The one change I am making before next run to the deck build itself is -1 The Hand's Judgement, +1 For the North, the rationale being that this deck suffers to some degree from econ issues, and even with Tourney Grounds, having multiple Hand's Judgement is of limited use, as you frequently will not have the gold to use it. This also reduces the number of neutral cards to 14, allowing the use of Fealty. I did make some changes to the plot deck, in order to address econ issues in a very expensive deck, and remove the fear of a forced reset (personally not a huge fan of WA). I went -1 Wildfire Assault, -1 The Long Winter, -1 Snowed Under, +1 Trading with the Pentoshi (risky, but lets you get those big characters out), +1 Calling the Banners (a good way to address econ without losing advantage on initiative; especially if your opponent uses Trading with the Pentoshi to Marshall extra characters), +1 Sneak Attack (this is a beefy deck, and those quick power grabs are definitely a good thing)