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A Sideways Approach

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Tags: Control
Clan: Crab
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Bid low and use Watch Commander/Intimidating Hida to reduce the amount of cards your opponent is willing to draw.
Use of sincerity, Funeral Pyre and Spyglass to draw the cards you need.
Use the honour from low bids to power Assassinate/Spreading the Darkness
Keep Hida Kisada and especially Kuni Yori in play pretty much forever.

Changes in V2:
Nixed some of the dropbears so I can run some of the cheaper attachments.
Got rid of Ride Them Down and Kaiu Inventor because the combos don't come off.
More copies of fewer events for consistency.

Stoic Gunso for Skirmisher
Spies at Court for Sabotage
Sample Hand: