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Court of the Elements

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  • joepott, tblake473, BloodRainGeneral and 6 others like this

Tags: ControlExperimentalTournament QualityTheme
Clan: Phoenix
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Focus is on shugenjas with courtier support. Crane influence is the best for me (voice of honor and steward of law allow me a lot of needed protection that helps me keep my tempo.
Sample Hand:


    Oct 20 2017 04:36 AM

    I've been debating about "Spies at Court." I think it really helps me keep hand advantage especially since I already force them to bid low; nonetheless, does that outweigh me having to dishonor a person. Depending on the situation I can normally cancel it out with honoring actions (Asako Diplomat, Ring of Fire, Magnificent Kimono,etc.), but is it worth staying original since we benefit greatly from being honored? I'm going to test it out because I have not seen one phoenix deck that runs it. I'm also debating whether I should run a 3rd magnificent kimono. I was thinking I don't want it to be too "cloggy" for lack of a better word, but I also want as much honoring options as possible plus it combos well with Spies at court (to make the person original again). 

    **RULING: "Pride occurs before reactions"

    *Therefore, it is potentially better to try to combo spies at court with asako diplomat or ring of fire since you can go in with an honored person, dishonor them, then regain honored status.

    I've played two games with this deck and won both, but it felt like luck. I had to drill through my Conflict deck to find answers.

    My second game, I had just one card left in my Conflict deck before the end.

    Oct 20 2017 10:01 PM

    I've played two games with this deck and won both, but it felt like luck. I had to drill through my Conflict deck to find answers.

    My second game, I had just one card left in my Conflict deck before the end.


    What clans did you play? Why do you feel it was due to luck? I have NEVER had to "drill" through my conflict deck (I haven't even met a player that has been able to get that low in conflict). I normally bid 1 every time...where do you think the deck is lacking? How did you play the deck because play-style is also important? I have never had more than 2 provinces broken. If you have any suggestions on alterations to the deck I welcome them because this is the deck I main, so I am constantly altering it as I see fit and trying out new cards. Thanks in advance.

    Oct 22 2017 04:37 AM


    I decided I like spies at the court in and should try to keep my attachments at 10. Know the World was nice but I need actions that will affect the battle and didn't get much overall use from it. I added Otomo Courtier for some more cheap bodies instead of peacekeeper (was NEVER helpful). Im trying out 3 VoH in and 3 SoL instead of Above Question (I love it but it costs 1 and I'd rather they use their cards and pay the costs then negate them) for splash. Also it seemed like I was lacking in military battles too often, so I added the Fine Katanas. I want to be in political battles normally but also need to hold my own in military battles.

    I don't understand Shiba Yojimbo's ability. What does this card protect you against, specifically?

    Oct 24 2017 06:37 PM

    I don't understand Shiba Yojimbo's ability. What does this card protect you against, specifically?

    Interrupt: When the effects of a triggered ability that targets a Shugenja you control would initiate – cancel those effects.

    If an ability targets a shugenja you can cancel its effect. This includes character abilities, events (except court games due to timing), etc.

    Triggered Abilities
    A boldface timing command followed by a colon indicates that an ability is a triggered ability. Triggered abilities fall into one of the following types: actions, interrupts, and reactions. Some interrupt and reaction abilities are also forced.

    Oct 27 2017 03:21 AM

    I was playing my friend's Dragon (lion splash) deck and was telling him about some of the changes I made to make up for my lack of military prowess. Ultimately, based on how the deck played we came to the conclusion maybe I should just focus on what I'm good at "full tilt."Therefore, I am taking out the fine katanas (which honestly didn't help much anyway) and in their place I am focusing on cards that help turn the game in my favor by adding a 3rd display of power, assassination, and pacifism. I will still keep the bonsai because they are too good not to (solemn scholar can potentially take by herself in military with a bonsai). Moreover, calling the favors is one less card I have to worry about when facing scorpion since I give them all my attachments (for the most part). 

    Nov 02 2017 12:08 AM

    Although I like discarding their cards I have decided I need more actions to affect the battle so I switched out spies at court for outwit. After testing out outwit I came back to my original decision again which is...I don't like it! It's another card that requires a courtier, so it can easily become a dead card, it costs 1, and they must have lower political skill not equal to (my highest base political skill for courtiers is 2 which is easy to beat). Ultimately, I have decided to throw know the worlds back in for at least 2 since I can use them to combo well with many cards (Adept of Waves, Shiba Tsukune, Solemn Scholar, etc.) in my decks as well as deny my opponent a ring or fate. We have officially become the keeper of Water...yay us...not. We need to fight hard to get seeker of void for our second clan role!!!

    Nov 14 2017 05:56 AM

    What would you cut (if any) for Kaede and Embrace The Void

    This is great! I have been playing almost the exact same deck since I got into the game and I couldn't figure out why nobody else was playing it. The deck is stupid strong, but is only effective with a very specific playstyle. I also win through dishonor and have never won any other way. I go out of my way to dishonor opposing characters rather than honoring my own in most cases. I also focus on cheap characters so I can flood the board, and keep them on the board longer. It also serves to blow through the dynasty deck quickly while generating more threats than my opponent can deal with. I also only bid one each turn on the dial which generates huge pressure starting turn 2 when most opponents aren't used to playing with limited conflict choices. I find the key is not to try and break provinces unless you know you can do it with committing more than a single card. Same goes for defense, it's ok to eat some losses as long as you do just enough to avoid losing the province. Most rings just don't hurt much when your characters are cheap and plentiful. I use chump probing attacks to get rings out of the pool with the intent of forcing my opponents to waste characters and cards, or they risk losing honor for not defending. As for my build I have tried several clan splashes and I like a lot of them for different reasons. Right now I'm running crab for watch commander and tetsubo. The commander either forces an assassinate (which I welcome for your same reasons) or I force a let go immediately. Either way they lose at least 1 honor right there. It also serves as a win condition late game. When they have 1 or 2 honor left and I drop watch commander in the begging of a conflict I'm already winning, they lose their ability to get ahead. That usually means I just won the air ring for the game. I run tetsubo because I find that the most troublesome things to face are the voltron characters stacked to the 9's with spyglass and/or watch commander who seem to never go away. Between reprieve, Kazue, and other cards that add fate to said character they stay in the game from turn 1 until the end. Tetsubo let's me remain on par with military but also allows me to get that guy off the board right away. They may get the fate back, but at least he's gone and so are all the cards that were on him. Regarding spies at court, I have tried running it and have mixed feelings about it. When it pops off its great, but there are games where it sits dead. In those games I struggle to win the political conflicts and wish I had that card slot filled with anything that would allow me to win in the first place. I have found a happy compromise in policy debate. I pick the characters meaning if my opponent wants to win he's going to have to lose honor, and then I get to pick the 1 card that would help him. Given most games I play my opponents end up with several dead cards in hand this is a safer play. Having 1 honor ruins several strong cards so I would rather pick the ones they can use.
    Nov 23 2017 04:25 PM

    What would you cut (if any) for Kaede and Embrace The Void

    I would not put them in they are counter productive to the decks play style. My characters are low cost already and I don't see me getting much fate from embrace the void to help (there are better cards). Kaede costs too much and im focusing on dishonor with this deck. My champ helps with this kaede doesn't

    I tried running Kaede and embrace the void, but found they just didn't work. They are for a different deck for sure.
    Dec 05 2017 06:20 AM

    My deck was completely focused on dishonor; however, now with the new cards coming out I would like to try a hybrid deck that is flexible and can more easily do both dishonor and military. After testing the deck I decided to cut out Master of Giesei Toshi due to too many high cost people and threw meddling mediator back in. I'm currently still debating on how I want to run my conflict/influence. Several people have told me I should run charge, but I eel as though it's not good enough for my deck synergy wise since my only targets would be Kaede or Tsukune and I'd rather invest them... we'll see I may switch out the 2 know the world for 2 charge!. In my Lion splash I would consider it only because I could stand your ground the person. X3 Voice of Honor and X3 steward of law are staples, but I'm debating between Nobel sacrifice, Political Rival for the rest of the influence (I appreciate any suggestions). Also took out the Magistrate mainly because it was between him or the Henshin and the later has more synergy with the deck because he is a scholar and can honor himself.