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Crab/Lion deck Banzai! Athens (90players) Winner
Submitted by
, Oct 16 2017 11:56 AM | Last updated Dec 14 2017 08:47 PM
Tags: AggroComboTournament Quality
Clan: Crab
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
This deck doesn't work as a Crab defensive or dishonor mechanic deck.It is played like a lion,i do not recommend it to new card gamers or control players.
In the first 2 rounds you get to break 2-3 provinces both in political and military conflicts but you need some micro management to get in there
Always bid 5 at the first turn or else you won't have the choices to make it work properly.Second round 3-1bids(if your opponent bid 5 you go for a 5 as well)
Don't try to defend unless you have charge or the mountain does not fall
DO NOT play many characters in the first rounds,go by 1 or 2 with fate on the or 1 with fate the other goes for sacrifice.
Mulligan for Witchunter,borderline defender and kaiu suichi.No yojimbo no hida cards in your first round.Conflict deck needs a starting hand with charge,assasination,court games and buffs.
Do not overcommit,play around water/earth ring in the first 2 rounds.
1 keeper is cool in the first round
Hope you like it!
In the first 2 rounds you get to break 2-3 provinces both in political and military conflicts but you need some micro management to get in there
Always bid 5 at the first turn or else you won't have the choices to make it work properly.Second round 3-1bids(if your opponent bid 5 you go for a 5 as well)
Don't try to defend unless you have charge or the mountain does not fall
DO NOT play many characters in the first rounds,go by 1 or 2 with fate on the or 1 with fate the other goes for sacrifice.
Mulligan for Witchunter,borderline defender and kaiu suichi.No yojimbo no hida cards in your first round.Conflict deck needs a starting hand with charge,assasination,court games and buffs.
Do not overcommit,play around water/earth ring in the first 2 rounds.
1 keeper is cool in the first round
Hope you like it!
Sample Hand:
How do you find Shrewd Yasuki/Shuichi with only 4 holdings? Seems like at that point you may want to consider cutting the Shrewd Yasukis, almost.
u forget the holdings of the opponent ...
I wouldn't quite say I forgot them, but I do think it's a bit risky to rely on them : )
Especially when a bad matchup, the Scorpion, tends to run only Imperial Storehouse and Favored Ground (meaning they can choose to get rid of them before you can use your Yasuki).
However, I am willing to admit that if it works, there must be wisdom there!
Why this kind of deck? Don't you think other factions (Lions) can run this kind of aggressive play better with cheaper characters, FGG and stuff like that? Also a more offensive holding?
Nothing weak about the Spanish meta, and first in 90 speaks for itself. There's some moves I don't get here though.
If you're planning to bid high mostly and not pressure honour, why run Watch Commander? If you're planning on not defending, why run Hiruma Yojimbo and Borderlands Defender? If you're aiming for narrow boards, why play Strength In Numbers rather than, say, For Greater Glory? And if you're all about the attack, why play Crab, rather than, for example, Lion?
As I said, you clearly know what you're doing, as you won, but I'm curious as to why you made the choices you did.
My thoughts exactly - Obviously it works, but why is this better than just playing Lion in the first place?
Guys check my new deck,uploaded it today!
I removed watch commander after the tournament i run none now,as for the borderline defender its the most balanced unit in the crab deck i use it for political attacks xD and defs of both kind.Lion is a worse crab in military strength and with core set format it was my easiest match up,a stronghold break by turn 2 or 3.Lion has no good dynasty cards(no action ones that can snowball without doing conficts)