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Crane Drain (Crane/Crab)
Submitted by
, Oct 28 2017 09:23 PM | Last updated Oct 28 2017 09:23 PM
- joepott likes this
Tags: CasualExperimental
Clan: Crane
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
The core of this deck is honor drain. While Kakita Asami and the Watch Commander are good at this, the secret is the duelists. Duels, since they use honor dials, can be used to further drain your opponent's honor.
You never really NEED to win conflicts. As long as you survive and keep your opponent's honor low, you shouldn't be too bad off. Make sure you never commit more than your opponent, deny them draws with low honor dial reveals, and early game spend only as much as you need to survive. Force your opponent to have a few options as possible.
You never really NEED to win conflicts. As long as you survive and keep your opponent's honor low, you shouldn't be too bad off. Make sure you never commit more than your opponent, deny them draws with low honor dial reveals, and early game spend only as much as you need to survive. Force your opponent to have a few options as possible.
Sample Hand: