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Dragon/Crab Attrition

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Tags: Control
Clan: Dragon
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
The idea of the deck is to limit the amount of time your opponent's characters stay in play while maximizing your own. This is mostly done through attack the fate on your opponent's characters through cards like Kazue, Jade Tetsubo, and the Ring of Void. Kazue, Enlightened Warrior, and Reprieve keep your characters around longer. You mainly play this as an combat deck smashing provinces when you can. This deck can go dishonor because your opponent will often bleed honor against his deck from things like rings of Fire or Air or bidding high against it. Once they get below about 5 honor you can try and switch to a dishonor win or just control their actions with low bids and watch captains. The numbers for these cards is not finalized.
Sample Hand: