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Kosori Time

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Tags: Experimental
Clan: Phoenix
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Kuroi Mori and Elemental Fury to switch rings on defense, Know the World and Winds of Change to put rings back into circulation, Seeker of Knowledge to add Air to anything on attack, Kaede to add Void in case I want that ring effect instead of Air. And Way of the Phoenix to potentially block multiple rings at once in combo with Kaede or Seeker.

Still struggling with a lot of card choices in here... Conflict decks are so tight - once I get done adding all the "so close to overpowered it'd be a shame to leave them out" cards, there's barely room left for any synergistic choices. Would like to have at least one more Know the World, and maybe another Winds of Change. A Supernatural Storm or two would be helpful, using the box if needed again. Can't really figure out what to cut for any of that, though. Finger of Jade would be nice, but maybe not needed with Censures and Shiba Yojimbo, and most nasty targeted affects specifying "participating".

More marginal cards that I've seriously considered are Grasp of the Earth (the action is not very good, but +1/+1 for 1 that's not Restricted is something this deck can make good use of), Guidance of the Ancestors (for the same reason), Favor of the Kami (if Kosori is honored, it's that +1/+1 for free).

Also have thought about Fire Katana - it would probably require making some other deck changes to commit to the Fire trait, but could bump military higher than a regular Katana.
Sample Hand:


    Also in the mix as far as 1 cost attachments that boost both stats - Heroic Resolve (arguably a better ability than Grasp of Earth and Guidance of the Ancestors), Court Mask (+1/+2 and a good way to save it), and Invocation of Ash (+2/+2 and a pretty good transfer/save). IoA also has the fire trait if I ever go with Katana of Fire. Even without that, I think it wins.
    I cant even see the card listing
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