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Lion crane
Submitted by
, Oct 14 2017 10:24 AM | Last updated Oct 14 2017 10:24 AM
Tags: Aggro
Clan: Lion
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
The strategy will consist of always having more honor than the opponent based on low bids and as it carries Voice of Honor try to have at table more honored characters than the adversary (I assume that against crane is going to be very difficult) . Also it takes Political Rival to make a wall in political conflicts and the chance to put in game one more time with Spiritcaller. The rest, is the basic Lion Startegy: put into play a lot of cheap bushi characters, recharge with Staging Ground to promote ideal Charge! (Honored Generald and Toturi) and top off with For Greater glory. You also have Stand your ground and Good Omen to make your big guys stay longer.
Preferred rings: Earth to draw cards and put into play the keepers, Air to maintain honor advantage and Fire in case you need more honored characters.
Preferred rings: Earth to draw cards and put into play the keepers, Air to maintain honor advantage and Fire in case you need more honored characters.
Sample Hand: