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Lion's Pride

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  • CovenantPhil, WakoJako, SusanooNoMikoto and 1 other like this

Tags: Aggro
Clan: Lion
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
A deck based on winning for honor. General + Spiritcaller/charge let you honor. Try to combo Totuti + Seeker of Knowledge. Can you imagine win the ring of air and then win other ring transforming into air by Seeker + toturi and also the seeker attached Kimono? this means 7 honor... Half of what you need to win.
The idea is to try to bring the characters into play without fate, or at least just the essentials, honor them and win the honor qhen they out of play. And your focus is win ring of air and fire.
Sample Hand:


    Aug 25 2017 06:39 PM

    This is very similar to a deck idea I've been toying with. I haven't had a chance to play yet, even with proxies, but I'm hoping to try a version of the deck strategy as soon as I get my hands on cards.

      • freemandas likes this