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MYSTERIOUS Dragon Fate Control

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  • Wormy likes this

Tags: Experimental
Clan: Dragon
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Sample Hand:


    Dec 21 2017 09:58 AM
    So I haven't playtested this deck yet, as I'm still waiting for my copy of packs 4-6 to arrive, but this is something I've been thinking of doing ever since I came across the Goblin. The idea is to hamstring the opponent's economy by draining fate and denying their access to fate on rings-- this doesn't stop them from their usual 7 fate per turn, but we'll also have cards and provinces to take fate off their characters, and/or bow them. Cards like Waning Hostilities, Written in the Stars and Stone of Sorrow, as well as the Togashi Initiate and Kitsuki Investigator all load fate onto the rings, which will either fuel a huge economy for dragon with Jade Masterpiece and Know the World, or power a huge Seeker of Enlightenment round (which has been my game winner in about 80% of my games so far, more consistently than Yokuni). Lemme know what you think!