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The Honorable Sting
Submitted by
, Oct 08 2017 10:16 PM | Last updated Oct 11 2017 05:45 AM
Tags: Experimental
Clan: Scorpion
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
The deck plays off the Air ring as to leech as much honor as possible. Meant to be throwing out lots of honor/dishonor while protecting your own. 25% of the deck is 0 cost reactive events while the rest is packed with Courtier characters for political conflicts.
The idea is to bid low on the draw to extract opponents honor with options of manipulating your bid.
The idea is to bid low on the draw to extract opponents honor with options of manipulating your bid.
Sample Hand:
I really like this deck. How is your current win rate? are you dishonoring to win a lot?
I'm also interested to hear how functional you're finding actual dishonor in the environment.
I have yet to play it. Though I honestly feel that the cards needed to make a deck like this work competitively don't exist yet.
I did change it up a bit though. I had Phoenix splashed in for Air Ring control to further aid in the dishonor process.