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Unicorn Meishodo
Submitted by
, Aug 31 2017 12:43 AM | Last updated Sep 11 2017 06:04 PM
Tags: Combo
Clan: Unicorn
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Unicorn deck relying on Phoenix splash to conserve honor and reduce opponent's honor as fast as possible. Looking to abuse the Air ring for honor gain.
Play Fallen In Battle off of Cavalry Reserves. Use Court Games to block interrupts: vs VOH honor your own peeps, vs FE dishonor their courtiers. Use Display of Power and Seeker of Knowledge to abuse the Air ring. Spyglass + Giver of Gifts to maximize the tutor draw. Captive Audience can flip conflicts in your favor on both offense and defense. And lastly, as with any Unicorn deck, you want to go first and maintain first if you can with Way of the Unicorn.
Using Pilgrimage as a Province in conjunction with Display Of Power to deny attackers the ability to use ring effects.
Play Fallen In Battle off of Cavalry Reserves. Use Court Games to block interrupts: vs VOH honor your own peeps, vs FE dishonor their courtiers. Use Display of Power and Seeker of Knowledge to abuse the Air ring. Spyglass + Giver of Gifts to maximize the tutor draw. Captive Audience can flip conflicts in your favor on both offense and defense. And lastly, as with any Unicorn deck, you want to go first and maintain first if you can with Way of the Unicorn.
Using Pilgrimage as a Province in conjunction with Display Of Power to deny attackers the ability to use ring effects.
Sample Hand: