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Iuchi Shahai
, -- | Last updated --
Iuchi Shahai
Type: Character
Cost: 4
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 4
Glory: 1
Clan: Unicorn
Shugenja. Water.
Reduce the cost by 1 to play each Meishōdō attachment on this character or a neutral character.
Reduce the cost by 1 to play each Meishōdō attachment on this character or a neutral character.
“I locked my heart away, my prince. I left it behind, that none could see it break.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 91
Illustrator: Le Vuong
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Legend of the Five Rings Deck Builder!
Story reasons as she was the Hostage sent to the capital to teach the Hidden Guard Meishodo
It follows the storyline choice where Shahai has been teaching some of the Imperial shugenja Meishodo magic and techniques etc.
The story decision made by the winner of the 2017 gencon tournament, which was whether outlaw Meishodo or to teach Meishodo to the Imperials was to teach Meishodo to the Imperials. Shahai was the one who it was decided upon to go fulfill this mission and teach Meishodo to the Imperials. This card's ability represents that story decision and relationship. It's actually rumored by the developers that that story decision influenced whether Shahai would be evil again like in the last storyline by AEG or would be good, and that they had another card of her planned in case of the other choice being made. This is the good version of Shahai.
I'm guessing it's a result of the GenCon story choice from last year. The players chose that the Emperor would order the Unicorn to show the Seppun shugenja the ways of meishodo. The Imperial families are neutral characters and Shahai was the one chosen to teach them. Whether it is ever useful will remain to be seen.
That sentence hurt my brain to parse.