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Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace
Type: Event Sphere: Lore
Cost: 1

Limit 3 copies of Leave No Trace in the victory display.
Response: After a non-unique location is explored, add Leave No Trace to the victory display to add that location to the victory display.

Set: Escape from Mount Gram Number: 35
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Aurelien Hubert


If a Location is "immune to Player Card Effects" this won't work on it right? The immunity still applies after it's explored, or does the immunity wear off as the Location ceases to be in play at that point?

Nov 14 2016 08:05 PM

I don't think you can hit "immune" locations with this.  After the card is explored just means it has the necessary tokens on it.  I'm assuming this is played before the card is actually moved to the discard pile, so it is still in play at the time and still immune.    I could be wrong, but that's how I see it working.

Usually cards only interact with other in-play cards, so I agree with Sloth on this one.
Nov 14 2016 11:58 PM

I am am going to have to disagree.

This is a Response, but once locations are explored they immediately leave play. Thus the location should be out of play by the time the Response window opens and you get to play this card.

Cards that are out of play don't have active text, thus no immunity.


As evidence, look at the fact Landroval can bring Beorn back into play. Landroval is responding to Beorn dying and Beorn is immune to player card effects, but is dead when the response actually goes off, thus his card text and thus immunity doesn't apply.

This situation is almost identiical. Thus any location immunity does not apply.


Note if the response pre-empted leaving play ("when a location is about to be explored") or changed how we left play as a replacement effect ("go to the victory display instead") then it would fail, since with those wordings the Response would be interrupting the normal flow and the Location would still be in play and still immune.

    • slothgodfather, rmunn, GKZhukov and 1 other like this

RichardPlunkett is right: because this Response triggers after the location is explored, its text no longer applies, so you can use Leave No Trace on immune locations. See https://community.fa...r-card-effects/ as well.

    • GKZhukov likes this
Nov 15 2016 06:22 PM

awesome, thanks!

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