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![]() Type: Hero Sphere: Spirit Threat Threshold: 6 Willpower: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Hit Points: 2 Hobbit. Response: After an enemy is revealed from the top of the encounter deck, exhaust Merry to reduce your threat by that enemy’s [Threat]. “We have come a long way with you and been through some stiff times. We want to go on.†—The Fellowship of the Ring Set: The Wastes of Eriador Number: 1 Quantity: 1 Illustrator: Romana Kendelic |
© 2011 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises. Fantasy Flight Games, Fantasy Flight Supply, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
I think this new hero has some great potential for solo secrecy decks. One-handed, solo players have even more options again. I'm happy.
Yep. Way better than that poor Faty! And quite useful with the Hobbit Pony attached to him.
Keep a Fast Hitch attached to him in case of surging enemies.
Fast Hitch is the #1 way to use Merry, I think. You'll be able to quest, then stand and have him ready for his ability. Just remember, since it isn't a response it can only be used before or after staging, but not in the middle.
Looking forward to use him with tactics Boromir in thematic Saga decks.
I put Unexpected Courage on Merry and played Journey Down the Anduin. Started with 24 threat. My threat teetered around 20 throughout the encounter and ended up at 18 in the end.
You played the normal or nightmare deck for Anduin?
Normal mode.
I have a question about Merry. This week I was playing The Hunt for Gollum and Goblin Scavengers came out (http://www.cardgamed...scavengers-thfg). They started with a threat of 1. I discarded the top card from my deck which ended up being Northern Tracker, so I added 4 more threat to the inital 1 for a total of 5 threat. Now, if I use Merry's ability, can I reduce my threat by 1 or by 5?
Since it doesn't specify "printed threat" it should be by 5.
Ah. Thanks. I had not considered the keyword "printed". His threat reduction powers are pretty damn awesome then.
I believe Merry's response triggers immediately after the card is revealed but before any "When Revealed" effects trigger. But I'm not 100% sure.I would think the "when revealed" effect would happen first. I did some research and found 1.09 in the FAQ: "Forced responses resolve immediately when their
By the way, the situation I spoke about involved Goblintown Scavengers. I misspelled the name of the enemy.
I think I'd play that the goblintown scavengers' effect happens first. "When Revealed:" is essentially shorthand for "Forced Response: When X is revealed from the encounter deck, ...", and forced responses generally resolve before non-forced ones.
I think there is something in errata that you should first resolve effects that have "when" and than "after", no?
My bad. You're correct, Olorin.
(1.37) Timing of Effects Resolution
Awesome! I was playing it correctly then. Goblintown Scavenger gave me a 5 point threat reduction for free!