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A Light in the Dark

A Light in the Dark
Type: Event Sphere: Spirit
Cost: 2

Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. Return that enemy to the staging area.

The light of the torches and the fire flickered around them... - The Hobbit
Set: Core Number: 52
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Erfian Asafat


Can be used as an expensive Feint (Core), but all in all a little bit underwhelming I think.
In theory, this could be good with Dunhere, or to allow movement of an enemy from one player to another. In practice, I don't play it.
decent, can be useful when you are not ready yet to fight a certain monster
This is a decent option for a deck that does not have Forest Snare (Core), which is easily the best way to deal with enemies that you don't want to fight (although since the Snare is an Attachment, you will have to tank the bad guy for one round until you can play it on your next turn). This card plus Threat reduction may help to put off fighting a strong opponent, but I just haven't used it all that often.

Can this card be played after engangement checks and before the enemy attacks?
(sorry if obvious question - new player).

It can, which is obviously the way this card should be used. Nice card, though the cost of two might make you probably want to just go with secrecy and out of sight, which is a far more valid effect for the same cost (Well I mentioned the secrecy state)
    • RichardPlunkett likes this

Too costly for what it does. Can end up being a bigger issue in quests where enemies have "When engaging a player" effects. Might be ok with Dunhere + Spear of the Mark but if your threat is higher than 30 this card might as well be replaced with Feint or The Wizards's Voice. 

Jan 13 2017 09:45 PM

Not a great card once some expansions are added but while you are still in the first cycle of the game, having one or two around can help delay an unpleasant fight long enough to get a blocker into play.

Just too expensive, with many better alternatives that do what this is trying to do. 1/5

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