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Dwarven Tomb

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Dwarven Tomb
Type: Event Sphere: Spirit
Cost: 1

Action: Return 1 Spirit card from your discard pile to your hand.

The dwarves no more shalle suffer wrong.
The dwarves of your made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells. - The Hobbit

Set: Core Number: 53
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Kaya


Its always nice to get some key cards back.
excellent card, although not very useful at the beginning of a game
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The beauty of this card is that it acts as a multiplier on existing Spirit cards. This lets you, in effect, multiply the mileage you get out of your existing The Galadhrim's Greeting (Core) or Hasty Stroke (Core) cards, and in some cases can allow you to scale back a bit on how many you include in your deck. For instance, I only run one copy of Will of the West (Core), because even if it gets forced discard, I have two copies of the Tomb that I can use to retrieve it if necessary.
Use with Will of the West (Core) for infinite deck rejuvenation; particularly useful for those decks that draw 5-10 cards per round.
Jul 05 2015 04:18 PM

Use with Will of the West (Core) for infinite deck rejuvenation; particularly useful for those decks that draw 5-10 cards per round.


The errata changed Will of the West to where the card is taken out of the game once it is used so the scenario you described is probably not likely.

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