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Forest Snare

Forest Snare
Type: Attachment Sphere: Lore
Cost: 3
Item. Trap.
Attach to an enemy engaged with a player.
Attached enemy cannot attack.

"We shall have it like a coney in a trap. Then we shall learn what kind of thing it is." - Unidentified Man of Gondor, The Two Towers
Set: Core Number: 69
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Alexandru Sabo


Try Infighting (AJtR) with this one.
I love this card, but its main drawback is that since it is an Attachment, you will have to tank whatever enemy is attacking you for one phase until you can get it out during your next turn. Alternately, you can use Son of Arnor (Core) to engage the enemy during your Planning Phase and snap the Snare right on him.
Initially, you'll think this is a must-have to survive certain adventures, but you'll eventually out-grow it, and it'll be hard to find space for it in your deck, other than as discard fuel for Protector of Lorien (Core) or Daeron's Runes (FoS).
    • notabot1001 likes this

This is an awesome card! Being able to trap a powerful enemy is great. 

Aug 05 2015 01:23 PM

Playing solo, I've found I can survive without this card if I am playing dual sphere with spirit as long as I buy myself some time with threat control. It is still useful for solo decks where I focus more on Lore than spirit, like my ranger deck. Be warned though that some of the new adventures have nasty cards that prevent attachments and also prevent damaging enemies in the staging area, namely Intruders in Chetwood. Also, Nightmare Journey Down the Anduin disallows attachments to enemies. 

    • Lecitadin likes this

Nightmare Journey Down the Anduin alomst prevents solo playing!! LOL! Took me around 13 tries and 5 different decks to beat it pure solo!!

Aug 06 2015 08:25 PM

Yeah that is a tough one Lecitadin. I haven't beat that one yet.

I did beat it (pure solo) with adeck using Baravor, Hirluin and Thalin.


I used Outlands, but you can replace Hirluin if you don't want to use Outlands, but be sure to use a low threated hero. Thalin and Secret Paths were 2 essential cards.

Dec 07 2015 02:30 AM

Initially, you'll think this is a must-have to survive certain adventures, but you'll eventually out-grow it, and it'll be hard to find space for it in your deck, other than as discard fuel for Protector of Lorien (Core) or Daeron's Runes (FoS).


I disagree with this. Forest Snare is still very powerful and in the newer scenarios is even more viable than ever. Also, Halbarad synergizes very well with this card. Trap an engaged enemy and Halbarad stays ready after questing. The power of Forest Snare is it is great for taking out pesky annoying enemies from the deck so that they do not get recirculated. Some enemies you defeat you don't want coming back.

Dec 07 2015 04:50 PM

I disagree with this. Forest Snare is still very powerful and in the newer scenarios is even more viable than ever. Also, Halbarad synergizes very well with this card. Trap an engaged enemy and Halbarad stays ready after questing. The power of Forest Snare is it is great for taking out pesky annoying enemies from the deck so that they do not get recirculated. Some enemies you defeat you don't want coming back.


Meadbeard would probably agree with you today (the post you quoted is 3 years old).  Traps are seeing a bit of a resurgence with the Land of Shadows pack and Damrod.  Forest Snare now costs 2 and draws you a card!  

I disagree with this. Forest Snare is still very powerful and in the newer scenarios is even more viable than ever. Also, Halbarad synergizes very well with this card. Trap an engaged enemy and Halbarad stays ready after questing. The power of Forest Snare is it is great for taking out pesky annoying enemies from the deck so that they do not get recirculated. Some enemies you defeat you don't want coming back.


Forest Snare is pretty good in the current cardpool but you gotta remember that @Meadbeard was making his case from 2012.


Back when the Core Set had just come out Forest Snare was almost considered a must run card. It was everywhere--if you were running Lore (and because of Berevor, someone was probably running Lore at your table) you almost always ran Forest Snare with it--mostly because right out of Core there really weren't a whole lot of ways of dealing with Big Bad enemies if you weren't running tactics.


But as more APs came out and more interesting Lore cards released it became harder and harder to find those 3 free Lore resources when you needed them. And Forest Snare still suffered the same problem it always did--the fact that the enemy (usually a big enemy) would still get a swing off at you before it could be snared. That combined with the rise of the "immune to player card effects" modifier and a shift in Khazad Dum towards lighter, more numerous enemies meant that those 3 resources could almost always be better used getting something else into play. 


Fast-forward 3 years and times have changed. Many Rangers now benefit from you being engaged with an enemy and characters like Anborn and Damrod help increase Forest Snare's value. But it took a couple solid years of building in the cardpool to get to the point where Forest Snare is seeing regular play again--and even then it is usually considered inferior to some of the other traps. 

    • slothgodfather likes this

Now you can play Forest Snare with Grima and Damrod for 1 resource!!!

    • slothgodfather likes this

Now you can play Forest Snare with Grima and Damrod for 1 resource!!!


I have been told 100 times that Grima is good and I just...can't make him work in my decks.


I think my deck-constructing style just doesn't jive with him since I HATE doom. I'm always running a pretty high threat or trying to run secrecy so he just never gets played for me. 


That being said--this is exactly the kind of situation that makes me stand up and take note of him. For the price of a feint you can lock down almost any enemy for the rest of the game...that's just crazy good. 

Yes, Doom can be tricky, but with good threat reduction (or Lore Aragorn) it can be pretty cool.

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