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Fortune or Fate

Fortune or Fate
Type: Event Sphere: Spirit
Cost: 5

Action: Choose a hero in any player's discard pile. Put that card into play, under its owner's control.

"Yes, fortune or fate have helped you," said Gandalf, "not to mention courage." - The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: Core Number: 54
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Igor Kieryluk


I seldom play it. When you are in a bad position are you really having 5 resources to spare? I doubt so.
    • CoreSetHeroes likes this
Usually a discard (which is fine), I always run one in my deck. This card loves Vilya (SaF), Will of the West (Core), and Dwarven Tomb (Core).

It is not for everyone, but I've saved dozens of games with it (never having lost a game in which I needed to use it). It's great for dumping conditions like Freezing Cold (TRG), by the way (just discard the hero with a second Freezing Cold, then bring the hero back with this card).

Your multi-player friends will love you for it.
I have saved a few games with it. Yeah, it is pricey, but the benefit outweighs the cost when you are a tight spot. It is great for getting rid of unwanted conditions. Kill off the hero with the condition with some undefended attacks, then bring it back. Kinda like insurance. You hope you never need to use it, but you get it anyway just in case.
    • WhatTheDice likes this

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