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Will of the West
, Apr 19 2011 02:49 PM | Last updated Apr 20 2011 05:36 AM
Type: Event Sphere: Spirit Cost: 1 Action: Choose a player. Shuffle that player's discard pile back into his deck. "If Gondor has such men still in these days of fading, great must have been its glory in the days of its rising." - Legolas, The Return of the King Set: Core Number: 49 Quantity: 2 Illustrator: Erfian Asafat |
© 2011 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises. Fantasy Flight Games, Fantasy Flight Supply, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Dwarven Tomb (Core) allows you (and your friends) to go infinite, if needed. But in the vast majority of games, by the time you get to wanting to play this, let alone play it multiple times, the result is already decided.
I think it cost should be 0 and even that wouldn´t make me to use this card in my deck.
1/5 i think.
You maybe think this way 'cause you probably never played the 2nd scenario of The Hobbit: OHaUH. The "Riddles in the Dark" part is very difficult to pass without this card. And that's not the only scenario where I think this card would work well...
I have been played it but never needed that card even in that quest. But everyone has it´s own play style and someone could need this card if using somekind of discarding deck or something like that.
I've considered Will of the West in my Silvan deck that uses a lot of events. Once the events go, they're gone, so reshuffling them into a deck thinned from attachments and allies (since they're in play!) can really be a nice benefit.
I was going to use this last night in my Spirit deck that partnered that Silvan deck, but...It got cut. So, there are uses, but I think there's more powerful cards these days.
If that is your specific goal, I´d think that map of Earnil and dwarven tomb are better options.
Spirit also has alot of allies that gets sacrificed for various reasons, which you might want to get back; I´ve only used Will of the West myself when I plan on cycling through my deck fast with stuff like Emery and/or Ancient Mathom. Don´t underestimate the power of lot´s of cheap cards.
Post-errata, its a great card in a lot of decks. But pre-errata it was one of the truly broken cards. There were numerous infinite loops it created and even some one-turn win decks built off it.
I ignore errata cos its garbage.
"Look we made new archeype of decks that throw away your whole hand every turn with Erestor, but the catch is you can be left out of cards if you take too long! Oh, look this good old core set card that noone used counters our new idea! Well, lets not think about the problem, just screw the old card that was there for years! That is a good idea."
Well, you see, i do what is written on the card not whatever you came up with this morning. So screw your errata. I played blue mountain trade as once per round before the errata even came out, and i will play this how it is supposed be despite dumb changes.
Infinite deck FTW!
One of the joys of a non-competitive game like this, is you can absolutely play it how you wish. I do think, from design stand point, anything that can be used to make an infinite loop should be corrected. The only errata I really have an issue with is the Horn of Gondor. It should have stayed the same effect but had a limit to how often it could collect resources.
As for thinking this card wasn't played before Erestor - that may be the case for you but it was a regular in several of my decks: Dwarf mill, Caldara mill, Gandalf draw/play everything.
I'm curious, do you ignore all errata even if it benefits you, such as the Troll Purse, Troll Key found in the Hobbit?
I ignore only ones that look like a crutch, made to "fix" the problem that did not existed in the first place untill some new things were introduced.
Errata supposed to fix something that was overlooked, not change the way card is played because it happen to combo with new cards.