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Type: Hero Sphere: Spirit
Threat Threshold: 9
Willpower: 1 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Hit Points: 4
Response: After Dwalin attacks and destroys an Orc enemy, lower your threat by 2.

It was a dwarf with a blue beard tucked into a golden belt, and very bright eyes under his dark-green hood. -The Hobbit
Set: KD Number: 1
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Tony Foti


Thanks Dwalin for introducing us to the threat management decks!
Rock solid in Khazad-Dum, but it remains to be seen how useful he will be in scenarios that are not riddled with orcs.
    • adamdatman123 likes this
Jul 01 2012 06:42 PM
Why on earth isn't this guy tactics?
    • JonofPDX likes this

^ This. 


This guy should absolutely be a Tactics dwarf. Any character who triggers their ability by killing something fits well into Tactics and they could have used the threat reduction and the Dwarf Hero. 

Jan 21 2016 08:11 PM

likely because threat reduction is seemingly a core mechanic offered by Spirit.   I think he's great, especially when paired with Oin who can get a tactics icon pretty easily and with that and Well Equipped you should be able to get a few axes on him.

likely because threat reduction is seemingly a core mechanic offered by Spirit.   I think he's great, especially when paired with Oin who can get a tactics icon pretty easily and with that and Well Equipped you should be able to get a few axes on him.


I know you're right, but the way he triggers the ability is so tactics. And honestly, he would just be a better card in tactics. It's rare for a dwarf deck to use him over Nori for threat reduction (Oin synergy being the exception, like you mention). 

Does Dwalin's response activate only when attacking alone, or does it even trigger if he participates in any attack that destroys an orc enemy?
Jun 23 2016 04:15 PM

Since it doesn't specify that he has to attack alone, I'd say others can participate in the attack.

Thanks for your answer. That's the way I interpreted his ability and the way I've been playing with him. But, if we're correct, I think he's one of the most powerful heroes out there (don't remember exactly, but using his ability, I reduced around 16-18 threat points on some Khazad-dum scenario). I know some will say "Lore Aragorn"can reduce even more more threat points, but: 1. His ability is restricted to one use for game, and 2. Dwalin can keep your threat level low DURING the game (which allows you to avoid lots of nasty treachery effects and gives you more flexibility during the engagement process). But, I must admit Dwalin's ability only shines in scenarios with reasonable amount of orcs (otherwise it's useless). Even though they belong to different spheres, I've compared Dwalin with Lore Aragorn because, to date, I think there's no better threat reducers in the game. Anyway, Dwalin is a great hero imo.

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