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Dwarrowdelf Axe

  • Gberdex likes this
Dwarrowdelf Axe
Type: Attachment Sphere: Tactics
Cost: 1
Item. Weapon.
Attach to a Dwarf character. Restricted.
Attached character gets +1 [Attack].
Response: After attached character attacks, deal 1 damage to the defending enemy.

"We make good armour and keen swords, but we cannot again make mail or blade to match those that were made before the dragon came." - Gloin, The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: KD Number: 7
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Carolina Eade


1 cost card, for Dwarfs (plenty of them to go around). Small stat boost, as well as one auto-damage. Decent card if you have tactics available.
    • Thror likes this

Good with those cards where you have to exhaust weapon to draw cards or deal damage :)

Does "after X attacks" means after X is declared as attacker, or after we resolve whole attack?

Dec 26 2015 11:46 PM

I would say it's after you resolve the attack.

There are several "Response: After [X] is declared as an attacker" cards in existence, so the failure to use that wording here seems significant.

I would say it's after you resolve the attack.

There are several "Response: After [X] is declared as an attacker" cards in existence, so the failure to use that wording here seems significant.


I second that. If IRC, the first action window after you declare attack after an opponent and eventually buff your character with events etc. opens only after the the attack is resolved. It is basically like this: 1) declare attack 2) actions prior the attack 3) attack resolves 4) trigger actions after the attack.

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