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Narvi's Belt
, Jan 06 2012 03:05 PM | Last updated Jan 15 2012 10:24 PM
![]() Type: Attachment Sphere: Leadership Cost: 2 Item. Attach to a Dwarf hero. Action: Exhaust Narvi's Belt to give attached hero a resource icon of your choice until the end of the phase. Set: KD Number: 3 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Carolina Eade |
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Yep. You can even exhaust the belt to give attached hero a lore icon and put Burning Brand on him.
The Brand won't stay on them will it?
I didn't think there was room for "actions" such as this after a "when revealed" card is revealed but not resolved yet. I'd think you would need to use the action before flipping cards.
This ^.
Narvi's Belt is an "Action" ability so it can only be triggered in a designated action window.
You COULD still use Narvi's Belt to give your Dwarf hero a Spirit resource icon and play Test of Will, but you would need to exhaust Narvi's Belt and trigger it's ability in the action window BEFORE the flop as it is not a "Response" ability like Test of Will. Requires some forethought to make work.
As far as A Burning Brand goes though...I don't think it works that way. Or at least, I've never played that way.
A Burning Brand says "attach to a Lore character". It doesn't say anything about "can only be/remain attached to a Lore character" or any "Printed" requirement. As long as you trigger Narvi's Belt in the Planning phase where you can play attachments and chose Lore for the Hero you are putting A Burning Brand onto (and obviously have 2 Lore resources to pay for it) it seems to me you are meeting the requirements of the card and attaching it to a Lore Hero. What happens after that doesn't seem to effect the card.
So I think that, yes, you could use Narvi's Belt to attach A Burning Brand to a non-Lore Hero. But if someone has heard a ruling otherwise from FFG or Caleb then obvious ignore me.
Attachments are only worried about their attachment requirements when played. You can use Narvi's belt to gain lore, then get a burning brand. Even if you lose the lore icon, you'll keep the brand.
If it wasn't for my GoT rules experience, I wouldn't even question it because (like you said) the condition is met at the time you play the card - with regards to Burning Brand. So it makes sense that it would stay on. I just never would have thought of it.
It's a great way to get one of the best defensive cards in the game onto a solid defender.
Lol--thank God you CAN do it or I've been cheating for years!
I would have to redo Into Ithilien! *shudders*
PS--damn, GoT must be hardcore if it enforces that kind of rule. I'm a little worried to dig into my 2.0 Core Set now, lol.