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Zigil Miner

  • klaymen and Thror like this
Zigil Miner
Type: Ally Sphere: Spirit
Cost: 2
Willpower: 1 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Hit Points: 1
Action: Exhaust Zigil Miner and name a number to discard the top 2 cards of your deck. If at least one of those cards has a cost equal to the named number, choose a hero you control. That hero adds resources to his resource pool equal to the named number.

Set: KD Number: 9
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Magali Villeneuve


this card has broken the game.... it should be banned.
It indeed could give a lot of resources and i can imagine that in a tournament game (if it ever comes) it can be "banned" but in a coop game it can be usefull. But if you don't like it, don't use it in your deck. Problem solved !
Feb 09 2012 10:52 PM
I wouldn't say its broken the game - it requires luck or additional cards to setup in order to work effectively. I think its a great card.
    • Lynott likes this
I also disagree that it "breaks" anything. It takes several rounds to get set up properly. Steward of Gondor or Gloin/Daughter of Nimrondel is much more reliable while lacking in an eventual huge payoff.
I see a combo with Gandalf's research
A very good combo is with Gildor Inglorion (THoEM),especially if you have at your hand another card with 4 or 5 resource cost..it is very control resource production combo...
Another small combo is the miner with Keen-eyed Took.
The FAQ 1.3 has errataed this card. It should read:
“Action: Exhaust Zigil Miner and name
a number to discard the top 2 cards of your deck. If at
least one of those cards has cost equal to the named
number, choose a hero you control. For each card that
matches the named number, add 1 resource to that
hero’s resource pool.”
    • Thror and WhatTheDice like this
An errata that's good for the game. He could be a little too good at times.
    • Thror likes this
Yeah, now he's merely a good card. 1-2 resources a turn from a 2-cost ally is still solid. It just isn't absurdly powerful. It's also easier to just throw into a deck (instead of having a deck built around it), since it can still provide some benefit but can't really be the cornerstone of a massive combo engine.
    • divinityofnumber and Thror like this
Aug 21 2013 09:51 AM
Since this is not an unique card, you can have three of these on the table. And this would be quite a power. Even after the errata.
    • divinityofnumber, CoreSetHeroes and Thror like this

My favourite card from Khazad Dum, then i got Imladris Stargazer...oh boy i have fallen love with him :P

To me this card would be 5/5 because resource generation is really important to me, but he only have 1hp what i don´t like. So 4/5.

May 29 2015 11:23 AM

Just wish it did not say "hero you control" :( Cant pump resources to other players.

3 of those and you can generate 6 ressources each round

3 of those and you can generate 6 ressources each round


Yeah...but you're dropping six cards from the top of your deck each turn. And it's cost you six resources to get them out on the board after you've managed to draw into all three of them.


Even with Gandalf or Gildor helping you hit more reliably...you probably won't be able to hit for more than 3-4 resources each turn and you will be losing 6 cards. And sure, occasionally you'll hit a Hidden Cache and you can always Will of the West but...that's a hard act to manage. 


Tell you what, though: despite being horrendously un-Nedly, Zigil Miner is a fantastic fit in a Noldor-discard deck that is swimming in card draw, in need of resource acceleration and generally doesn't mind ditching cards to the discard pile. 

Mar 08 2016 05:56 PM

For a sphere that has no other way of generating resources, he becomes an all-star simply by lack of other options.  Pair him with a star-gazer and you can cherry-pick what you discard for resources and what you will draw.   He's also good in a Caldara deck since you need things in the discard pile anyways for her ability - though his errata does slow that deck down considerably.  

    • Serazu likes this
For a sphere that has no other way of generating resources, he becomes an all-star simply by lack of other options.



100% correct. The proper way to judge whether a card is strong or not is not just by looking at its stats and text, but by looking at its stats and text in the context of the sphere it represents. As a resource generator, the post-errata Miner is laughable for a sphere such as Leadership. In Spirit however, it's almighty.

Mar 08 2016 09:28 PM

I actually just remember Arwen came out - so he's back to being a moderate card unless you are prepared to dedicate 4-6 cards to making it reliable (2-3x each of the miner and star gazer).

Unless one doesn't want to invest a hero slot in Arwen, of course. Or finds it hard to leave her ally version out of his deck.



Thinking more about it, I'd still consider him better at resource gathering than Arwen. Her ability cannot grant more than one resource per round, benefits a limited range of heroes and comes at the cost of card advantage. All the above are minor issues of course (for this particular game) and some of them can be mitigated. To her credit, Arwen may potentially aid another player in multi. In a strict comparison in the economic department however, the Miner remains the superior choice, I believe. Still, it's always good to be presented with more than one choice during deck building.

Mar 09 2016 05:38 PM

The trouble with him is without careful deck building or use of Gandalf or Stargazer, you may just be milling your deck for no resources.   the 1 hp also gets him nuked pretty handily.   But i'm still on board with him being good - especially considering the alternatives and operating costs of using (or not using) Arwen.

Tell you what, though: despite being horrendously un-Nedly


He's a dwarf with a pickaxe. He digs through your deck and finds resources. Honestly I don't see the unnedlyness apart from his sphere.


I still use him 3 times in my doublefist dwarf decks, if only because there's no other dwarfs who fit the slot. :P

Mar 09 2016 10:33 PM

the un-Nedly comment was when he suggested pairing it with Noldor.  Not the card itself is un-Nedly.

    • JonofPDX likes this

the un-Nedly comment was when he suggested pairing it with Noldor.  Not the card itself is un-Nedly.


What he said ^. I was thinking about the little dwarves running after a caravan of gracefully, noble Noldor on his little stubby legs. :D


In general, you guys make a very fair point. In Spirit, he is certainly better than he would be in another sphere. And for the record, I do run a couple copies of him in my Leadership/Spirit dwarf deck (though more for his dwarf trait than his ability).


My original comment was more geared towards the idea of using 3 of these guys to generate 6 resources per turn...which, while possible, isn't likely to even approach that on most turns even after spending a lot of time and effort setting it up. Plus it does have some significant downside with that kind of card discard. But of course, if you are only really counting on using the ability once a turn then  Gildor and Gandalf certainly help him run much more efficiently. And of course Stargazer can help out even more. 

    • slothgodfather likes this

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