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Haldir of Lorien

  • elpolillo likes this
Haldir of Lorien
Type: Ally Sphere: Lore
Cost: 4
Willpower: 2 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Hit Points: 3
Ranged. Sentinel.

"But there are some of us still who go abroad for the gathering of news and the watching of our enemies, and they speak the languages of other lands." - The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: AJtR Number: 57
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Magali Villeneuve


Favorite Card... possibly in the game
Sep 25 2011 07:29 AM
Yes. Definitely a card I will use one Journey makes its way here. Especially in mono-lore decks.
I have used him in all my decks that have Lore heroes, even dual spere. His cost is a little high, but his stats are equal to your average hero so he can serve multiple purposes. Good quest assistance, solid blocker, and now that we are starting to see enemies like Black Forest Bats (AJtR) the more ranged characters we have the better.
    • Tragic likes this
I haven't had much chance to play co-op yet, so in solo play this card looses a lot of appeal.
I find ranged and certainly sentinel, in general, quite useless for Lore. I hope that the pack I buy has a misprint with those two keywords missing and instead having one more willpower, attack, or defense or alternatively costing only 3. If I'm missing something please let me know.
I really like Haldir with A Burning Brand (CatC). Sentinel + cancelled Shadow effects makes everybody happy.
    • danilopatro likes this

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