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, Sep 08 2011 03:44 AM | Last updated Sep 08 2011 03:44 AM
Type: Ally Sphere: Neutral Cost: 5 Willpower: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Hit Points: 3 Istari. Radagast collects 1 resource each resource phase. These resources can be used to pay for Creature cards played from your hand. Action: Spend X resources from Radagast's pool to heal X wounds on any 1 Creature. "I have an urgent errand. My news is evil." Set: AJtR Number: 59 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Rio Sabda |
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Can Radagast's resources be used to pay for neutral cards?
As far as I can tell they are normal neutral resources with the added ability that they can be used for all creature cards so I don't see why not...
Can´t see why not. I have used him like that myself.
No, they cannot. The rules for paying for neutral cards specifically say "they can be payed for with resources from any hero’s pool." (Emphasis mine). If you could put Sword-thain on Radagast to turn him into a hero, then he'd be able to pay for any neutral cards. But since Sword-thain requires the ally to belong to "any sphere of influence", you can't put it on neutral allies, so it's a moot point. Radagast will always be an ally, not a hero, and thus will never be able to pay for cards the "normal" way. Only his text allows you to spend his resources, unfortunately.
Sad, but that's how I've been playing him up to now so not the end of the world.