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Dain Ironfoot

  • Felagund and Thror like this
Dain Ironfoot
Type: Hero Sphere: Leadership
Threat Threshold: 11
Willpower: 1 Attack: 2 Defense: 3 Hit Points: 5
While Dain Ironfoot is ready, Dwarf characters get +1 [ATK] and +1 [Willpower].

"You have not heard of Dain and the dwarves of the Iron Hills?" - Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit
Set: RtM Number: 116
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Tiziano Baracchi


In at least 2-player, where you can play 6 dwarf heroes and plenty of allies, Dain is probably the best hero yet printed. He blocks better than any hero in the game, and he typically "quests" for at least 2-3 at the start of the game without exhausting. He does require you to build around him some, but he's well worth it.
    • CoreSetHeroes, Thror and Cryptid like this
He is the King of dwarves. 11 threat doesn't seem high at all (could easily have been 12). Not particularly crazy about the image, however.
    • Thror and Unseth72 like this
Would Bombur Get +2 Atk And Willpower or just 1 of each if he counts as 2 dwarfs

Would Bombur Get +2 Atk And Willpower or just 1 of each if he counts as 2 dwarfs

I believe he gets 2, otherwise there would seem to be little reason to be counting him as 2 dwarfs at all.

I believe he gets 2, otherwise there would seem to be little reason to be counting him as 2 dwarfs at all.

Bombur's ability is to allow him to count as 2 dwarfs for the purposes of abilities that go "If you control X dwarfs,..." I do not believe that this would extend to Dain's ability, therefore just +1 to Atk & Willpower.
    • Thror, Wilbrimley and estyles like this

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