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Dawn Take You All

Dawn Take You All
Type: Event Sphere: Leadership
Cost: 2

Play after shadow cards have been dealt, before any attacks have resloved.
Combat Action: Each player may choose and discard 1 facedown shadow card from an enemy with which he is engaged.

"Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!" - Gandalf, The Hobbit
Set: RtM Number: 118
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Ben Zweifel


Twice as expensive as Hasty Stroke (Core) and far more conditional. Not getting to see the cards first (unless you're playing with Dark Knowledge) means you may well be discarding non-harmful cards.
    • Thror likes this

I haven´t used it never in my deck, but at least very thematic card when playing We Must Away, Ere Break Of Day quest :)

Aug 23 2014 10:10 AM

Can be used to remove shadow cards from enemies immune to player card effects, so great against Smaug in the Hobbit.

Nov 15 2015 04:07 PM

True, it costs more than hasty stroke, but I think it is very good for multiplayer, especially if you are going against a scenario where shadow effects cause enemies to do extra attacks. I played Murder at the Prancing Pony at yesterday's Fellowship event and the shadow cards were very mean and I could see how this card could have changed the way the game went. Also, as to the cost 2, the card is in Leadership, and that is the sphere that makes money, so that is not too bad a thing.

    • slothgodfather likes this

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