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Eagles of the Misty Mountains
, Dec 01 2011 10:55 PM | Last updated Dec 01 2011 10:55 PM
- Ghostflayer7 likes this
Type: Ally Sphere: Tactics Cost: 4 Willpower: 2 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Hit Points: 4 Creature. Eagle. Eagles of the Misty Mountains cannot have restricted attachments. Eagles of the Misty Mountains gets +1 [Attack] and +1 [Defense] for each facedown attachment it has. Response: After another Eagle character leaves play, you may attach that card facedown to Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Set: RtM Number: 119 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Sandara Tang |
© 2011 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises. Fantasy Flight Games, Fantasy Flight Supply, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
The cornerstone of every decent eagle deck. Amazing stats and sinergy with Vassal of the Windlord and Winged Guardian.
This guy gets beefed up to epic levels whenever I play my Eagles deck. By the end he's walking out of the quest a 2/5/5/4 at a minimum. One time I had him up to 2/7/7/4. At those levels and with a spare Winged Guardian, that's two unstoppable blockers that make it much easier to steamroll the quest.
Eagles of the Misty Mountains are the Fulcrum of the Eagles Deck. Literally every Eagle ally interacts with them in some way. Vassal, Landroval and Winged Guardian discard to pump them, Decedent of Thorindor gives you a benefit for having him leave play and Gwaihir gives you a cheap way to get more eagles out and attached to him.
And then once you have them buffed Support of the Eagles can become crazy giving +4, 5, 6, 7 to a Tactics Hero--pretty much all of which love that bonus but especially heroes that want to attack alone.
Then we have the combos--Sneak Attack, Imrahil, Eomer, Firefoot, Radagast...
Expensive, but one of the best cards in the game--not least of which because it is powerful without being needlessly and mechanically complicated (and so a lot more fun to play in practice).
Is this thing worth running with Support of the Eagles in a fairly basic Tactics deck (not a dedicated Eagles one, since I don't have all the packs necessary)? Or should I replace this and Support with something else?
If you don't have Vassal of the Windlord and Winged Guardian, I would not consider trying to run these or Support. Are you playing solo or in a group? If you can get some resource accelleration - like Steward of Gondor - then Gondorian Fire is really good.
I usually play solo, but run two decks: Spirit/Lore and Tactics/Leadership (only a little bit of Leadership). I also have a Leadership/Lore deck but don't normally run that one.
This is all I have for the time being:
2x Core Set
Khazad-Dum Expansion
The Road Darkens
Battle for Laketown
Conflict at the Carrock
Foundations of Stone
The Watcher in the Water
Celebrimbor's Secret
Return to Mirkwood
Shadow and Flame