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Keen-eyed Took

Keen-eyed Took
Type: Ally Sphere: Leadership
Cost: 2
Willpower: 1 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Hit Points: 2
Response: After Keen-eyed Took enters play, reveal the top card of each player's deck.

Action: Return Keen-eyed Took to your hand to discard the top card of each player's deck.

Then something Tookish woke up inside him... - The Hobbit
Set: THoEM Number: 73
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Anna Mohrbacher


I've run him in a leadership-heavy deck with Theodred and Steward of Gondor and he gave me a use for some of the mound of extra leadership tokens. This Took is almost an inefficient form of card-draw for the leadership sphere.
Prince Imrahil and Horn of Gondor = Ready for 1 res. You also can browse through your deck, when a special card is needed.

In some specialized decks it could be useful, e.g. with Prince Imrahil and using the excess of resource generated froma Steward of Gondor. I never used it before, i really love when i find a nice use of an underrated card!

    • notabot1001 likes this

Sort of fits into the Dwarf mining archetype. The problem with that archetype is that you probably want Stargazer out before you trigger any mill... unless you're running hero Gandalf.

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