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Rear Guard

Rear Guard
Type: Event Sphere: Leadership
Cost: 1

Quest Action: Discard a Leadership ally to give each hero committed to this quest +1 Willpower until the end of the phase.

In the dark at the rear, grim and silent, walked Aragorn. - The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THoEM Number: 74
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Lin Bo


The fact that this affects only heroes committed to the quest and not characters really limits this in solo or even two-player games. I would only include this card if you are playing with 3 to 4 people.
Jun 11 2012 08:35 PM
Can you discard a Leadership ally from your hand to activate this ability?
A poor offering, especially since I play solo. If it targeted all characters (and cost more for the effect) it could see play.
Sep 26 2017 03:09 PM

Great card to get more out of cheap allies such as Snowbourn Scout

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