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Messsage from Elrond
, Jul 24 2014 09:57 PM | Last updated Sep 29 2014 05:14 AM
Type: Event Sphere: Lore Cost: 0 Action: Choose a player. That player may choose 1 card from his hand and add it to another player’s hand. At the end of the round, if the chosen card is in that player’s hand or in play, shuffle it into its owner's deck. “But we have heard rumours of your coming, for the messengers of Elrond passed by LoÌrien on their way home up the Dimrill Stair.†–Haldir, The Fellowship of the Ring Set: The Three Trials Number: 32 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Arden Beckwith |
© 2011 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises. Fantasy Flight Games, Fantasy Flight Supply, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Worst card in the game...
I don't know. It's definitely not the best card, but Hero Bilbo is always there to be the worst, so there is that.
As more neutral cards enter the game, I think this will get better. I can see being able to give a Treebeard, Gandalf or saruman to a player who has the resources to play it. For worst card? There is the one that makes you exhaust heroes after refresh to draw cards. That one is pretty bad.
The card draw event you are talking of is perfect for a hobbit deck since they have access to Fast Hitch.
As for this card, since it will shuffle them back into the owner's deck at the end of the round, Gandalf or Saruman are the best options. Anything else would just be extremely situational. While this is an interesting effect, I can't see running it over any other event.
If you don´t play spirit but have a co-player who does and you are up against a nasty treachery/when-revealed encounter deck, where having access to that many more Test of Will can make all the difference in the world. Not that big a bother since lore is the go-to color for drawing loads of cards anyway. Have used it like this to great effect in a 3-player game; would go so far as to say that we wouldn´t have made it without that combo.
Not once did I see this for that use, Nerdmeister. You now have me thinking of cards I could take that would help my fellow players. Or help myself, by giving them a card they need, like Parting Gifts, to give me money!
Also, great way to sneak a Core Gandalf across the table so someone can lower their threat by five.
Edit: Might allow for even more Boromir action, for instance.