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The Hobbit: Theme Deck -----

Submitted by: mistertrench
Submitted: Dec 02 2012 08:12 AM
Last updated: Dec 02 2012 04:03 PM
Category: Lord of the Rings Decks
Deck Name: The Hobbit: Theme Deck
Deck Contents: Total Cards (50)

Hero (3)
Thorin Oakenshield (OHaUH) x1
Bifur (KD) x1
Ori (OHaUH) x1

Ally (25)
Kili (OHaUH) x1
Fili (OHaUH) x1
Bofur (TRG) x1
Dori (OHaUH) x2
Erebor Record Keeper (KD) x3
Longbeard Map-Maker (CatC) x3
Bombur (RtR) x2
Erebor Battle Master (TLD) x3
Gandalf (Core) x3
Miner of the Iron Hills (Core) x2
Erebor Hammersmith (Core) x2
Longbeard Elder (FoS) x2

Attachment (12)
Cram (OHaUH) x3
Legacy of Durin (TWitW) x2
Hardy Leadership (SaF) x2
Thror's Map (OHaUH) x1
Narvi's Belt (KD) x2
Healing Herbs (FoS) x2

Event (13)
Durin's Song (KD) x3
Sneak Attack (Core) x3
Daeron's Runes (FoS) x2
We Are Not Idle (SaF) x2
Will of the West (Core) x1
Ancestral Knowledge (KD) x2
Deck Strategy: All Dwarves. Remember Gandalf is your only threat reduction, but if you manage two Lore Dwarves on turn one you should be fine for card draw. Use the belt to get Bofur and the Battle-Masters out as needed, miners and hammersmiths can serve as chumps. Keep pulling herbs and cram from trash as needed, but your heroes should do little of the blocking. That first turn should be spent getting two more allies on the board, giving you huge draw and resource advantage.
Sample Hand Reload
Other Information Starting Threat: 27

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What about questing ability ? is it alright even without Dain ?
Dec 02 2012 11:32 PM
I made it through the first two OHaUH fine, but it's struggling with the third due to the accelerated encounter draw. It's definitely imperfect as it is now.

If someone else rolls Dain, Dwalin, and Nori, they can throw out anything either player would need.