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  • Bolly likes this



Type: ICE: Sentry - Destroyer
Cost: 4
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Faction Cost: 2
As an additional cost to rez Archer, the Corp must forfeit an agenda.
[Subroutine] The Corp gains 2 [Credits].
[Subroutine] Trash 1 program.
[Subroutine] Trash 1 program.
[Subroutine] End the run.
Strength: 6
Set: Core Number: 101 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Mike Nesbitt
Recent Decks Using This Card:
[Core 2.0] Weyland
From The Ashes
Spark Corp $/program denial
Midgame Titan Transnational
Super-Heavy ICE
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


This card is pretty combo-tastic and the flavor text is just as bad ass.
    • YorFizzlebeef likes this
Best ice in the game.
    • AdorablePython likes this
Great ICE, but that cost can be a bear! Go for it with Priority Requisition or Accelerated Beta Test, perhaps.
Jan 20 2013 02:06 PM
I love combo-ing this with Chum
That's diabolical!
    • delume likes this
What does forfeit an agenda mean?

What does forfeit an agenda mean?

Forfeit an agenda is to remove it from the game entirely, meaning that it is set aside, it does not count toward agenda points scored, and no player may interact with it in any form... with the current cards in Netrunner. The player doing it must have already scored it previously and can only do so if an action requires you to, like rezzing Archer or using Data Dealer.

From the Netrunner Rulebook:

Forfeiting Agendas
Some card abilities require the Corporation or Runner to forfeit
an agenda. When a player forfeits an agenda, he selects any
agenda in his score area and permanently removes it from the
game (it does not go to Archives or the heap). He no longer
scores points for the forfeited agenda.
    • SisterJoey and Zouavez like this
Thank you YamiZero.
Mar 08 2013 11:02 AM
Danger zooooone!
    • Zalrus9, gsmebbs, JonasAlbrecht and 2 others like this
If you score a Priority Requisition, can you rez Archer without trashing an agenda, since it calls that trashing an 'added cost' to rezzing Archer?

yuuuuuup or noooooooope?

If you score a Priority Requisition, can you rez Archer without trashing an agenda, since it calls that trashing an 'added cost' to rezzing Archer?

yuuuuuup or noooooooope?

    • Zouavez likes this
Jun 21 2013 02:33 PM
Um i know this is an old article but to clarify for tzo, as Yami said above.... It isnt trashing its completely removed from the game.
What if you have no Agenda scored, can you still play this?
Feb 25 2015 02:13 AM

What if you have no Agenda scored, can you still play this?


You can install it, but you can't rez it.

    • Meadbeard likes this

This is the best ICE of the game in my opinion.

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