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AstroScript Pilot Program
, Aug 06 2012 04:57 PM | Last updated Jan 27 2016 05:47 PM
- eames likes this
AstroScript Pilot ProgramType: Agenda: Initiative Advancement Cost: 3 Faction: Corp NBN Place 1 agenda counter on AstroScript Pilot Program when you score it. Hosted agenda counter: Place 1 advancement token on a card that can be advanced. Agenda Points: 2 Set: Core Number: 081 Quantity: 2 Illustrator: Matthew Zeilinger |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Spark Corp $/program denial Fast Advance FINAL Damage train World Is Yours... Tag and Bag |
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder! |
Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
Can you used the hosted agenda counter to advance another agenda? Would it cost a click?
I'm sure the answer is obvious but i'd rather be sure.
Which is why this is the best agenda in the game in my opinion.
Effective Feb.1, 2016:
The NAPD Most Wanted List is a list of Android: Netrunner cards with additional deck-building restrictions. Players must adhere to the NAPD Most Wanted List for all Fantasy Flight Games tournament play.
Each copy of this card reduces an Identity’s influence limit by 1 when included in a deck. An Identity’s printed influence limit cannot be reduced below 1. This reduction occurs even if the card matches the Identity’s faction.
It is finally done: Netrunner Official FAQ 3.1:
AstroScript Pilot Program ( 81)
Should read: “Limit 1 per deck.â€
I am not so sure about this concept of taking a completely broken card and utterly destroying it like this. Indeed, once it is printed, it is really hard to fix it, but maybe this will be a lesson to consider, that non-click action advantage is a really dangerous tool in a game where time/click balance is everything.
Food for thought: it would have been an interesting idea to make the card Unique - still 3 in the deck, easier to find, but once one of them is scored/stolen, the others should become immune to game effects - the Rulebook states that there can be only 1 Unique card "Active" - so the others are trashed. Or maybe the scored/stolen card is trashed?
Anyway, the meta will never be the same with this one small change.
I love this change, even though I like fast advance decks. Why? It makes tagstorm decks look good now!
It's still a very good card, even after the nerf. Being able to fast-advance a Project Beale or Merger makes this Agenda essentially worth 4 points.
The only thing that's not possible anymore is the nearly-unstoppable AstroTRAIN.
Noob question: Do you need to remove the hosted token to perform the action? Is that the cost?