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Battering Ram
, Aug 03 2012 09:46 PM | Last updated Aug 16 2012 11:02 PM
Battering RamType: Program: Icebreaker - Fracter Cost: 5 Memory Units: 2 Faction: Runner Shaper Faction Cost: 2 2 [Credits]: Break up to 2 barrier subroutines. 1 [Credits]: +1 strength for the remainder of this run. Strength: 3 Set: Core Number: 042 Quantity: 2 Illustrator: Lilga Smilshkalne |
Recent Decks Using This Card: [Core 2.0] Shaper Code Gateing Winnie and Mac v0.001 Winnie and Mac v.001 Kate 4 Darwin |
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder! |
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