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Type: Program: Icebreaker - AI - Virus
Cost: 5 Memory Units: 1
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 0
1 [Credits]: Break ice subroutine.
1 [Credits]: +1 strength.
[Click]: Place 1 virus counter on Crypsis.
When an encounter with a piece of ice in which you used Crypsis to break a subroutine ends, remove 1 hosted virus counter or trash Crypsis.
Strength: 0
Set: Core Number: 051 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Mauricio Herrera
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Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


The text of Crypsis is different in p19 of the rulebook.

It says:
1 [Credits]: Break ice subroutine.
1 [Credits]: +1 strength.
[Click]: Place 1 virus counter on Crypsis.
When an encounter with a piece of ice in which you used Crypsis to break a subroutine ends, remove 1 hosted virus counter or trash Crypsis.
I really don't like this card... Try to get it out of all of my decks. Think about it... 3 clicks and 7 credits just to break 1 subroutine on a ICE with strength of 1! Such a waste! Every time you want to use it, it's two clicks, one to put a counter on it, one to make the run... Horrible.
Mar 01 2013 08:28 AM
What it lacks in sheer breaking power in makes up for in versatility. Which can make a while lot of difference in the early game.
Also one could, quite arguably granted, have more room for moneymakers and other utility programs if using only this breaker.
Crypsis is highly inefficient in money departament (as intended), but he can break anything including data mines, can be searched for with Djini, is a virus (Noise, De Ja Vu) and can win you a game when you got your economy going but cant get proper icebreaker when you need it. And all for 1 MU.

Frequent central runs are insanely expensive with this, but remote after you expose an agenda is not that expensive.
Mar 14 2013 06:21 PM
In my opinion you install Crypsis with the expectation that you'll trash it. Hopefully by then you'll have more icebreakers to choose from. Creating pressure early in the game is vital, and this is one of the cards that allows you to do it. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if future expansions made this card obsolete within the next the year.

I would love to run a similar card that was a little cheaper,in terms of clicks or credits, and as a trade-off could only break two types of subroutines (barrier and code gate?). Too bad one doesn't exist.
Combined with things such as personal touch, cyberfeeder, cloak and the toolbox it works very well. Add in surge and stimhack and you can break your way through everything. Swordsman will ruin your day buy add in Deus Ex and that is dealt with. Lots of cards but gives you one icebreaker for all jobs (bar swordsman).

Combined with things such as personal touch, cyberfeeder, cloak and the toolbox it works very well. Add in surge and stimhack and you can break your way through everything. Swordsman will ruin your day buy add in Deus Ex and that is dealt with. Lots of cards but gives you one icebreaker for all jobs (bar swordsman).

Drawing and playing surge on this is no more click efficient than clicking counters

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