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Data Mine

Data Mine

Data Mine

Type: ICE: Trap - AP
Cost: 0
Faction: Corp Jinteki
Faction Cost: 2
[Subroutine] Do 1 net damage. Trash Data Mine.
Strength: 2
Set: Core Number: 076 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Andrew Mar
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Chum > Data Mine is quite nasty. Unless they have Crypsis there's no way to break the Subroutine, so you get an easy 4 Net Damage that doesn't End the Run. Then behind the Data Mine you could have something like Neural Katana. Not only will it fire off after the Data Mine for 7 total Net Damage, but then it will be behind the Chum to increase the damage of the Katana (to 5 total damage).

Sensei > Data Mine is pretty good as well. It's pretty much a one-time, automatic "End the Run". Can be useful as a "last line of defense".
Nope. Sensei doesn't work with data mine. You trash it after the first subroutine so the second never happens.
its not a subroutine , its a passive ability that happens of chum

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