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Scorched Earth

Scorched Earth

Scorched Earth

Type: Operation: Black Ops
Cost: 3
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Faction Cost: 4
Play only if the runner is tagged.
Do 4 meat damage.
Set: Core Number: 099 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Mark Anthony Tacuran
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Nisei wants to play (1)
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Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


Most significant Corp card for one very simple reason: the Runner must always--ALWAYS--be worried about it. Even if you don't include Scorched Earth in a deck, you can leverage its mere presence in the environment to great advantage.

Plus, it can straight up end games out of nowhere.
    • EmeraldGuardian likes this
They only need to worry if they can be tagged without having time to deal with it. So it either means the Runner gets a tag during a run on their last click, or the Corp gives it to them during their turn with cards such as SEA Source or Priority Bounty.
I personally wouldn't really expect it in HB or Jinteki, as they don't combine with it well enough. Plus, Jinteki have enough discard effects anyway.
Finally, the influence of 4 makes it a tough decision to use in decks.
The smart runner is always worried about this card. This is why you use Plascrete Carapace or other armor/meat damage prevention.
The face in the artwork is Elizabeth Mills. She has urban renewal plans for the runner's apartment complex...

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