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Type: Program: Stealth
Cost: 1 Memory Units: 1
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 2
1 [Recurring Credits]
Use this credit to pay for using icebreakers.
Strength: -
Set: Creation and Control Number: 041 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Adam S Doyle
Recent Decks Using This Card:
Code Gateing
Sunny Running
Sneaky Kit
Kit's Icecracker
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Jul 24 2013 03:11 PM
Ehm... no.... I'll stick to cyberfeeder.
More fun, cooler picture and it does not steal my precious memory.

This would have been a nice virus card.
Cyberfeeder doesn't give you a stealth credit, some of the new breakers can only use stealth credits, hence the boost.
Cyberfeeder is Anarch, and doesn't fit in many Shaper decks.

even if you aren't using this with the Dagger icebreaker, i still think this is an ok card. the MU cost makes it very difficult to play in multiples, which is why it isn't great.

i'd actually like to see a deck using this alongside Cyberfeeder and Crypsis. x3 Cyberfeeder, x3Cloak, x1 Crypsis = 6 recurring credits for running, for an upfront investment of 9 credits and six installation clicks. if you are Chaos Theory, or get another MU somehow, add in Dagger to your rig.

maybe go Toolbox, ZU.13 Key Master and Creeper, for 8 recurring credits and some memory free breakers.

omni-drive, personal touch, replicator, rabbit-hole, underworld contacts .. you can end up with a consistently +15 icebreaker once the rig is assembled.
With all these programs, I estimate we'll start seeing a lot more Djinn in shaper - for memory compression rather than tutoring. It's the best cred-to-MU ratio you can get, and with Shaper you can actually protect it from secretaries and other trash (heh).
I put these in my Professional Contacts deck, which basically lets me play it down for free and get immediate payback. A couple of these and a suite of breakers is possible with a modest investment in extra MU.

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