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Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success

Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success

Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success

Type: Identity: Division
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
You cannot include Jinteki cards in this deck.
Minimum Deck Size/Influence Limit: 45/22
Set: Creation and Control Number: 002 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
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Cerebral overwriter makes this better than when it was previewed as that gives HB another scary Ambush for the runner to fear even when they know there are no Jinteki cards in the deck.

Will get better over the Spin cycle as more cards become available to spend influence on.
Makes HB Tag'n'Bag possible and actually really, really scary - hell, you could even run a couple of Midseason Replacements!
    • Berr likes this
Yeah, but the first thing I'll be looking for when this ID hits the table is Scorched Earth or Midseason... The question for me is what can we do without using those cards...
You can get an off-the-charts economy, splashing for every single money-making card in the game :D

(Granted, most of those are HB in the first place, but still)
    • Kitescreech likes this
It's a crying shame that it bans Jinteki cards. I think the two synergize pretty well (Vitruvius plus trick of light plus snare, precognition plus ATB.... etc. etc.)
Now you know why you specifically _can't_ use Jinteki, spectre :)
And it even works thematically, as they are rivals in the lore.

As far as what you can do with this, it would allow you to use some of the other factions fast advance toys with more ease. Things like SanSan, Shipment from Kaguya, Matrix Analyzer, etc.

On the boom, headshot front... It may not matter that you see it coming. With 22 influence you may be able to stack enough cards to blow the runner away anyway. Midseason, SEA source, Scorched, Big Brother, etc.

Grail Ice requires influence...that finally explains the flavor quote on this ID. Nice to see SUPER LONG TERM planning like this from FFG. Well done...LOL!

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