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Type: Program: Icebreaker - Decoder
Cost: 2 Memory Units: 1
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 3
1 [Credits]: Break code gate subroutine.
1 [Credits]: +1 strength.
When you install Cyber-Cypher, choose a server. Cyber-Cypher can be used only during a run on the chosen server.
Strength: 4
Set: Creation and Control Number: 044 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Ed Mattinian
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As Kit, play this on R&D and start running it with multi-card accesses. Then play Escher once they get some other ICE on R&D. Ouch.
i think the issue with Escher is getting through to HQ in the mid game, and also the Corp actually having enough in the way of rezzed code gates to move over to R&D.

still, this is a great icebreaker. i think clearly better than Gordian Blade, because even though it doesn't retain its strength through the run, the base strength is doubled and the base strength is retained for free.
@striatic, you did catch that this can only ever be used on runs against a single server right? It's a pretty big drawback compared to Gordian Blade.
@Berr i sort of forgot about that, mostly because my play style tends to focus on a specific central server and can use Crypsis to one shot the remotes.
Installed for R&D on turn one, with Rielle "Kit" Peddler allows for a serious pressure build-up!

Not to mention you could immediately go with Indexing to ruin the Corp even more...
Remember that Kit’s ability only works once per turn. If you run twice, the ice will not gain codegate the second time. Tinkering lasts the whole turn, but Kit’s ability only lasts through the run.
Feb 21 2014 10:36 PM
Using Rielle +Scavenger and heap-digging events, i installed this on HQ early and made a few runs. Then when the Corporation built up HQ ICE, I scavenged it, scrapped it, then re-installed it from the heap to target R&D for late game runs.

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