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Daily Casts

Daily Casts

Daily Casts

Type: Resource
Cost: 3
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 0
Place 8 [Credits] from the bank on Daily Casts when it is installed. When there are no credits left on Daily Casts, trash it.
Take 2 [Credits] from Daily Casts when your turn begins.
Set: Creation and Control Number: 053 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Matt Zeilinger
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Jul 24 2013 03:21 PM
I like it. Right in the middle ground between codebusting and liberated. And no click
    • 4wallz likes this
Might need some play testing but I think it looks better than code busting.
It looks pretty good. Saves the clicks you would have to use with Armitage. Can't use it in bursts, which depending on the deck might make Armitage look better. Worth using for sure.
I also like it a lot better than UWC, because it doesn't need any other cards to work.
the problem is the install cost means you net only 5 credits, and you do so only over 3 subsequent turns.

the small net means it is more in combination with Sure Gamble than any of the credit generating assets.

Armitage Codebusting nets you 8 credits if you cost each click at one credit, so i'm not sure i like this one over Armitage.

Edit: My Math was off. it nets you 6.

Armitage Codebusting nets you 8 credits if you cost each click at one credit, so i'm not sure i like this one over Armitage.

Armitage nets you 5 if you include click cost (12-1 to install-6clicks). So the net gain is the same. So you now have this, Armitage, and Sure Gamble which all net you 5 credits.
Care to explain your math on how Sure Gamble nets you 5 credits?

Care to explain your math on how Sure Gamble nets you 5 credits?

If you're playing Weyland ;)
    • LucasBarton likes this
Jul 25 2013 08:08 AM
Armitage draw+play+1cred+6 = 3 netto / 0,375(not including clicks to get the money) / 0,3333(including getting all the creds by simple clicks) additional per click
Liberated d+p+6cred+4 = 4 net / 0,6667 / 0,3333 add per click
Daily Cast d+p+3cred = 3 net / 1,5 / 0,6 per click
Sure Gamble d+p+5cred = 3 net / 1,5 / 0,4286 per click

It is in most cases a really good economie card if you ask me, only downside is that you cannot speed the process up... a little like Kati (I am to lazy to create formulas for her ;) )

Armitage nets you 5 if you include click cost (12-1 to install-6clicks). So the net gain is the same. So you now have this, Armitage, and Sure Gamble which all net you 5 credits.

my math was way off.

i guess they work together, and unlike Armitage Codebusting, you can run multiple Daily Casts at the same time.
at first I thought this card was trash. Now, after reading these comments, I'm starting to like it.

If you're playing Weyland ;)

Sure Gamble and Daily Casts are runner cards though ;)
    • Paddosan likes this
Aug 18 2013 05:07 PM

Sure Gamble and Daily Casts are runner cards though ;)

-----------> the joke
    • Berr, Ohnomycoco and Damoel like this

-----------> the joke

Oh, wow thanks for this completely relevant post 3 weeks after mine. Not only you seem to have psychic powers because you are clearly able to read both Berr's mind and mine, you also seem to be highly intelligent.
You sir, are an enrichment to this community. You have won the internet.
Now, I shall retreat in shame and never speak to you again, for I am not worth of you. Farewell.
    • trevaur likes this

Armitage draw+play+1cred+6 = 3 netto / 0,375(not including clicks to get the money) / 0,3333(including getting all the creds by simple clicks) additional per click
Liberated d+p+6cred+4 = 4 net / 0,6667 / 0,3333 add per click
Daily Cast d+p+3cred = 3 net / 1,5 / 0,6 per click
Sure Gamble d+p+5cred = 3 net / 1,5 / 0,4286 per click

It is in most cases a really good economie card if you ask me, only downside is that you cannot speed the process up... a little like Kati (I am to lazy to create formulas for her ;) )

I guess math can be useful sometimes! lol
"Professional expert" sounds like a sweet gig.
Timing question: when there are two credits left on 'Daily Casts', can I take them and then sack 'Daily Casts' to 'Aesop's Pawnshop' before it trashes itself?

Timing question: when there are two credits left on 'Daily Casts', can I take them and then sack 'Daily Casts' to 'Aesop's Pawnshop' before it trashes itself?

Confirmed by Lucas no.

Had quite a thread on forum :P

Confirmed by Lucas no.

Had quite a thread on forum :P

I didn't want to open up old wounds -_-

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