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Feedback Filter

  • DianaLoume, Matthewswert, RobertDearo and 12 others like this

Feedback Filter

Feedback Filter

Type: Hardware: Gear
Cost: 2
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 1
3 [Credits]: Prevent 1 net damage.
[Trash]: Prevent up to 2 brain damage.
Set: Creation and Control Number: 037 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Lili Ibrahim
Recent Decks Using This Card:
Nasir Abdul-Mughnī
The Inside Job
Casting for Creds
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this is a dead card against a fair number of Corps, but is better than some of the other options out there.

Net Shield takes up MU and is limited to preventing 1 net, no brain.

Deus Ex takes up MU and needs to be trashed to prevent net, no brain.

Monolith is the only other card for preventing brain damage, but it is expensive and it requires trashing cards to prevent the damage. also eats up your console slot.

so this card is pretty good for what it does, compared to the alternatives.
    • DianaLoume, lynnexy1, LasuraGed and 1 other like this
Think of this as a Shaper alternative to Plascrete (a double tap will still kill you though, unless you have two or a handsize expansion card) that is cheaper and offers additional utility vs. Jinteki.

Dunno, I'll probably swap Plascretes out for these and at least give 'em a try.
    • lynnexy1, LasuraGed and KennethFem like this

Think of this as a Shaper alternative to Plascrete (a double tap will still kill you though, unless you have two or a handsize expansion card) that is cheaper and offers additional utility vs. Jinteki.

Dunno, I'll probably swap Plascretes out for these and at least give 'em a try.

Err, what? This prevents net and brain damage, Plascrete prevents meat damage. They serve completely different purposes.
    • lynnexy1, LasuraGed and KennethFem like this
Aug 02 2013 07:52 PM
Yeah, I feel like whether this sees play will be entirely meta-dependent, since running both this _and_ Plascrete seems like a lot of deck space devoted to CYA.
    • lynnexy1, LasuraGed and KennethFem like this
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    • lynnexy1 and KennethFem like this
Jan 12 2017 07:00 PM

Do not follow the URL posted by Sergeyfuh. It's propably some sort of scamware/trojan/rootkit. Could a mod/admin please remove this?

    • lynnexy1 likes this

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