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Gila Hands Arcology

  • Sideslip likes this

Gila Hands Arcology

Gila Hands Arcology

Type: Agenda: Expansion
Advancement Cost: 3
Faction: Corp Neutral
[Click], [Click]: Gain 3 [Credits].
Agenda Points: 1
Set: Creation and Control Number: 023 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
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Mini-Government Contracts. Best neutral 3-advance agenda in the game so far. Easy to score, and a broadly useful ability.
i don't think this is better than "False Leads", a 1/3 that has the ability to save your skin by neutering the runner at a critical juncture if the need arises.

still, this is a good card, especially if your Corp has poor economy.
I <3 False Leads too, it has so many good opportunities to use.

I think I like this slightly more because its ability is also useful in a lot of different decks, but you can use it without forfeiting the Agenda point.

But yeah, you're right False Leads is great too, which is better will depend on the deck.
This card looks like it'll do nicely with Efficiency Committee. :3

Can someone please explain to me how agenda cards who dont have the " when you score text " work ? For instance,  this card here - do you spend those clicks to get credits after you score this agenda , or you can use the ability even if its installed in remote server ? Thanks

As soon as it's scored, this agenda's ability becomes available for the corp from the score area.  at that point, they can use it on any turn they want unless they forfeit the agenda for say, an Archer or something.

this only works if the corp scores it: if the runner steals it, they don't get the ability.

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