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Haas Arcology AI
, Jul 24 2013 12:52 AM | Last updated Jul 24 2013 12:52 AM
- grifcha likes this
Haas Arcology AIType: Asset Cost: 2 Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid Faction Cost: 4 Haas Arcology AI can be advanced only while unrezzed. [Click], hosted advancement token: Gain [Click] [Click], Use this ability only once per turn. Trash: Set: Creation and Control Number: 011 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Aaron Firem |
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it is sort of like a cheaper Biotic Labor that you have to protect for a turn to use.
i can see a low risk Corp strategy where you heavily ice up HQ and R&D only, collect enough money to Biotic Labor fast advance x3 3/2 agendas, then to score your winning agenda you can use Arcologies to venture outside your castle risk free, with just enough ice on a single remote to get it through one turn.
One game I used trick of light to shift 2 counters off of this onto the agenda,
and used the other counter I had on it for the click I needed to score.